Francisco Freire
A Etnográfica inicia com este número uma nova proposta editorial. “Found in Translation” é uma secção concebida para dar espaço a mais antropologias, apontando a essa diversidade epistemológica reclamada na construção de um campo ele
[+]Abdellah Hammoudi
Alguns leitores podem com razão interrogar-se quanto ao efetivo significado da expressão “antropologia em língua árabe”, uma vez que esta, ainda que cuidadosamente escolhida por mim, comporta diferentes significados, alguns deles
[+]Carlos Hernández-Fernández
Since the mid-20th century, a number of religious and festive pilgrimages have been held in Galicia and Portugal in which symbols of a funerary nature were used as a form of offering to give thanks for miracles or to pray for them to take place.
[+]Camilo Andrés Salcedo Montero
In this paper, I present the results of ethnographic research that analyzes the social effects on peasant communities (dedicated to working the land and fishing in the river) due to the delivery of compensation and the carrying out of works for the
[+]Antonio Guerreiro
The aim of this article is to understand how the Kalapalo, a Carib-speaking people of the Upper Xingu (southern Amazon), describe their relationship with their traditional lands in narratives and personal accounts of their occupation of the area and
[+]Ricardo Santos Alexandre
This essay revisits a classic text of anthropology, Edward Sapir’s “Culture, genuine and spurious”, taking it as a partner for a dialogue and reflection on the notion of culture. In “Culture, genuine and spurious”, Sapir is able to deliver
[+]Ion Fernández de las Heras
Partindo de uma série de considerações relacionadas com o meu trabalho de campo no meio rural do País Basco, sugiro que a coincidência conceptual entre a arquitetura e o construído pode levar a obliterações indesejadas para aqueles que se
[+]Paula Godinho e Raúl H. Contreras Román
A antropologia tem proposto alternativas para pensar os modos pelos quais o passado afeta o presente, sem dar igual importância às múltiplas maneiras pelas quais os futuros socialmente imaginados o fazem. Trabalhos recentes têm-no indagado no
[+]Berenice Vargas García e David Varela Trejo
A little over ten years ago, the anthropological academy of the global North baptized with the name “multispecies” a mode of study and writing that de-centers the human and that, in research, pays attention to the socio-cultural and affective
[+]Saraya Bonilla Lozada
This article reflects together with peasant women-defenders of the territory in Bajo Putumayo, in Southern Colombia. It resumes their narratives of the future and the understanding of time and space that they elaborate from their incarnated
[+]Julián Dzul Nah
This article presents the ways in which some people from Tixcacal Quintero (Yucatán, México), inhabitants or immigrants, remember the town’s henequenero past, and imagine its futures. Framed in a post-emigration context, which started in the
[+]Norma Bautista Santiago
In the Mixtec language or Tu'un Savi the word future does not exist, however, among the people who assume themselves to be part of the People of the Rain or Ñuu Savi; population of indigenous origin in southern Mexico, there is the notion of what
[+]Raúl H. Contreras Román
This article explores “humble dreams” as a local model of an imagined future, emerging from diverse and historically situated conversations that build common sense and enable people to imagine other possible lives and engage with them in the
[+]João Carlos Louçã
After the end of the Cold War and the Soviet bloc, the 1990’s promised the expansion of capitalism to the most remote corners of the planet. Globalization was the way economic liberalism assumed this purpose by ensuring that economies and
[+]Juliana Carneiro and Thiago Allis
This work aims at identifying and analyzing the entanglements between mobilities, ethnography and tourism, based on an integrative literature review. It seeks, in particular, the use of ethnographic methodologies applied in the field of mobilities
[+]Francisco Martínez
This essay engages with alternative regimes of invisibility by investigating the things that are kept, and the practices that take place in basements of eastern Estonia. The use of hiding infrastructures is here taken as part of wider claims about
[+]Mariana Tello Weiss
The text is highly inspiring from both a theoretical and methodological point of view. It proposes an ethnography of the basements in Sillamäe, a small village in eastern Estonia. A village that, because of its history - marked by war and the
[+]Tamta Khalvashi
“Where is a bunker?” This question started to haunt many of us in Georgian cities when Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. Quest for bunkers, basements and shelters, for spaces of both opacity and safety, was drawn from the possible
[+]Hermione Spriggs
“The opaque is not the obscure” (Glissant 1997: 191). So begins Fran Martínez’ text on basements, which he approaches as spaces of opacity that can nonetheless be entered
[+]Patrick Laviolette
Francisco Martínez starts his essay with a quotation by Édouard Glissant. He might just as easily have chosen something from Gaston Bachelard’s Poetics of Space (1958) or Dick Hebdige’s Hiding in the Light (1988) to introduce what lays on the
[+]Vanessa Forneck and Eduardo Rocha
Marco Maria Zanin
Sónia Mota Ribeiro
Pedro Crepaldi Carlessi
Lara, Barbarita
Ortiz, Yuliana
Takuapu, Amanda/Comunidade Tabaçu Reko Ypy
Chalá, Katherine
Delgado, Génesis
Minda, Darwin
Chávez, Andrea
Zambrano, Iván
Leite, Fabiana
Moura, Cleberson
Sallum, Marianne
Balanzátegui, Daniela
Ricardo Vieira
Rosa Maria Perez, Inês Lourenço
Patrícia Alves de Matos
Diego Amoedo
Katherine Chalá, Daniela Balanzátegui, Valentina Romero, Catarina Nimbopyruá Delfina dos Santos, María Celeste Sánchez Sugía, Watatakalu Yawalapiti, Maria John, Marianne Sallum
Noelia García Rodríguez
José Sobral, Patrícia Alves de Matos
Fabienne Wateau
Juan Antonio Flores Martos
Yacunã Tuxá, Natasha Gambrell, Luã Apyká, Blaire Morseau, Stephen W. Silliman, Daniela Balanzátegui, Marianne Sallum
Pere Morell i Torra
Paulo Gabriel Hilu da Rocha Pinto
M. Belén Ortega-Senet
Abdellah Hammoudi
Tradução de Ilham Houass e Diane Abd-El-Karim
Revisto por Francisco Freire e Abdallah Hammoudi
Simone Frangella
Max Ruben Ramos
Raquel Gil Carvalheira
Caroline Brettell
Marta Rosales
Sónia Ferreira
Vincenzo Scamardella
Paulo Victor Leite Lopes
Thaddeus Gregory Blanchette
Catarina Frois
Pedro Figueiredo Neto and Ricardo Falcão
Jarrett Zigon
Ramón Sarró
Ramón Sarró
João Leal
Luís Cunha
Humberto Martins
Mariana Tello Weiss
Tamta Khalvashi
Hermione Spriggs
Raquel Mendes Pereira
Patrick Laviolette
Miguel Vale de Almeida
Victor Hugo de Souza Barreto
Francisco Martínez
Ruy Llera Blanes
Luís Silva
Francisco Freire
Antonio Maria Pusceddu
Antónia Lima
Paulo Mendes