Jefferson Virgílio
The proposal seeks to synthesize the ethnonymy present in the bibliographic production that mentions or that has been produced on the indigenous population presently known as Laklãnõ. The main time frame begins at the start of the 19th century,
[+]Luiz Henrique de Toledo et Carlos Eduardo Costa
The article is a synthesis effort to present a sub-area of sports studies in social sciences in Brazil, called Anthropology of Sportives Practices. It is an expression that articulates the uses of some notions that define the vast field of playful
[+]Alexandre Barbosa Pereira
From the question about the absence of girls in research that turns to juvenile cultures heg-emonically dominated by boys, the article discusses the possibilities of articulation be-tween the fields of gender and youth studies. To this end, in
[+]Vanina Papalini
The aim of this article is to identify the forms of legitimation used by traditional medicines to defend their persistence and development. Research focuses on the case of the Medicos Descalzos (MeDes) of Chinique (Guatemala) Association, a
[+]Raul Elton Araújo Borges, Mercês de Fátima dos Santos Silva e Lucas Pereira de Melo
Based on data produced through digital ethnography, we analyze how the interaction in a Brazilian blog allowed the production of subjectivities and agency services mediated by biomedical scientific practices directed to HIV/AIDS. The narratives
[+]Carla Susana Alem Abrantes
The encounter of professors with cultural diversity has become a common experience in higher education institutions based on the policies of democratization of access to universities in Brazil in the first decades of the 21st century. This article
[+]Carla Susana Alem Abrantes
The encounter of professors with cultural diversity has become a common experience in higher education institutions based on the policies of democratization of access to universities in Brazil in the first decades of the 21st century. This article
[+]Apoena Dias Mano
The objective of this article is to present a “cultural biography” of the Michael Jackson statue in the Santa Marta favela, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Examining the time frame between 2010 and 2018, the dynamics of urban space production are
[+]Ana Estevens e André Carmo
In this article, we highlight the importance of art and culture as elements of transformation in the contemporary city. Adopting a critical urban perspective, we developed ethnographic fieldwork between 2018 and 2019, taking as a starting point the
[+]Raquel Rego
Between the financial crisis of 2007-2008 and the pandemic crisis of Covid-19, the Anjos neighborhood in Lisbon presented a particular concentration of public spaces offering concerts, exhibitions, dance classes, bars, etc. Many of these spaces are
[+]Mateus Sadock
Covil is a self-managed social centre in Lisbon. Anarchist, connected to the punk scene and located in an area of the city that houses specific dynamics of collective resistance, it contrasts with the hegemonic city of gentrification. An epicentre
[+]João Braga Lopes e Joana Marques
Returning to the principles that work is not inherently a commodity and that common resources are also the consequence of political practice, this article analyzes four communitarian spaces in the city of Lisbon with the aim of understanding the
[+]Raquel Rego, João Braga Lopes, Mateus Sadock e Ana Estevens
Between the start of the financial crisis (2007-08) and the pandemic crisis (2020-), Lisbon was at its peak as a fashionable European tourist destination. During this period, in a singular concentration in the Portuguese capital, associations and
[+]João Leal
José Cutileiro (1934-2020) nasceu em Évora, numa família burguesa alentejana que se mudou, na sua infância, para Lisboa. Seu pai era um médico ligado a círculos oposicionistas republicanos que, impedido de exercer a sua profissão em Portugal,
[+]João Leal
Ao longo de 2023 a Etnográfica publicará um conjunto de peças assinadas por João Leal relativas a José Cutileiro e Jorge Dias, dois nomes maiores da Antropologia portuguesa; ambos com contributos significativos para a afirmação e
[+]Vanessa Forneck and Eduardo Rocha
Marco Maria Zanin
Sónia Mota Ribeiro
Pedro Crepaldi Carlessi
Lara, Barbarita
Ortiz, Yuliana
Takuapu, Amanda/Comunidade Tabaçu Reko Ypy
Chalá, Katherine
Delgado, Génesis
Minda, Darwin
Chávez, Andrea
Zambrano, Iván
Leite, Fabiana
Moura, Cleberson
Sallum, Marianne
Balanzátegui, Daniela
Ricardo Vieira
Rosa Maria Perez, Inês Lourenço
Patrícia Alves de Matos
Diego Amoedo
Katherine Chalá, Daniela Balanzátegui, Valentina Romero, Catarina Nimbopyruá Delfina dos Santos, María Celeste Sánchez Sugía, Watatakalu Yawalapiti, Maria John, Marianne Sallum
Noelia García Rodríguez
José Sobral, Patrícia Alves de Matos
Fabienne Wateau
Juan Antonio Flores Martos
Yacunã Tuxá, Natasha Gambrell, Luã Apyká, Blaire Morseau, Stephen W. Silliman, Daniela Balanzátegui, Marianne Sallum
Pere Morell i Torra
Paulo Gabriel Hilu da Rocha Pinto
M. Belén Ortega-Senet
Abdellah Hammoudi
Tradução de Ilham Houass e Diane Abd-El-Karim
Revisto por Francisco Freire e Abdallah Hammoudi
Simone Frangella
Max Ruben Ramos
Raquel Gil Carvalheira
Caroline Brettell
Marta Rosales
Sónia Ferreira
Vincenzo Scamardella
Paulo Victor Leite Lopes
Thaddeus Gregory Blanchette
Catarina Frois
Pedro Figueiredo Neto and Ricardo Falcão
Jarrett Zigon
Ramón Sarró
Ramón Sarró
João Leal
Luís Cunha
Humberto Martins
Mariana Tello Weiss
Tamta Khalvashi
Hermione Spriggs
Raquel Mendes Pereira
Patrick Laviolette
Miguel Vale de Almeida
Victor Hugo de Souza Barreto
Francisco Martínez
Ruy Llera Blanes
Luís Silva
Francisco Freire
Antonio Maria Pusceddu
Antónia Lima
Paulo Mendes