
“The Chinese are universal, they're invading everywhere”: rumours and tensions surrounding the Chinese presence in Cape Verdean trade

Vinícius Venancio

Rumours, hearsay and gossip are a constitutive part of societies and play a fundamental role in coercing, controlling and disciplining individuals in the search for social cohesion. They tend to emerge at times of social tension and civilisational



Reflexivity and politics in the ethnographic text: representations and effects of writing

Jaime Santos Júnior, Marilda Aparecida de Menezes

In 2020, one year after a research that had as its main objective to analyze, comparatively, the cycles of sugarcane workers’ strikes in Pernambuco, and metalworkers of São Paulo and ABC Paulista, that occurred in the late 1970’s, we returned



The legal persecution of homosexuality in the Iberian Peninsula: 19th and 20th centuries

Raquel Afonso

The legal framework that underpins the persecution of homosexuality in Portugal and in the Spanish State appears before the beginning of the Iberian dictatorships. In Portugal, for example, the I Republic creates legislation against “those who



Needs, rights and languages: an ethnographic study about inhabiting and making of citizenship in Buenos Aires

Ana Gretel Thomasz, Luciana Boroccioni

This article links the issues of the inhabit and housing rights with that of the making of citizenship, which are explored from an anthropological perspective. It is based on the ethographic work developed between 2015-2020 with the inhabitants of a



“An evil hand”: on abolitionist feminists, sex workers and epistemic violence in Argentina

Deborah Daich

In June 2020, the Argentine Ministry of Development launched the National Registry of Popular Economy (ReNaTEP) which, among other categories, included sex workers and strippers. Sex workers’ organizations celebrated the possibility of registering



Integrating refugees and migrants into higher education in Portugal? An action research experience in a Portuguese university

Cristina Santinho, Dora Rebelo

This article results from research comprised of fieldwork ethnography, participant observation, collection of life stories, interviews and testimonials of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants, living in Portugal. We focus on a particular experience


The book and its critics

Liberdade para desejar

Victor Hugo de Souza Barreto

Parte do nosso compromisso no trabalho etnográfico é o de reconhecer nossos interlocutores como sujeitos de desejo. Mesmo que esses desejos, escolhas e vontades não sejam aqueles entendidos por nós, pesquisadores, como “bons”, “melhores”


The book and its critics

Uma década e muitos acontecimentos depois: o que (re)ler dos possíveis liberalismos minoritários?

Paulo Victor Leite Lopes

A partir de um investimento etnográfico denso, o livro Minoritarian Liberalism: A Travesti Life in the Brazilian Favela, de Moisés Lino e Silva, traz interessantes reflexões a respeito dos limites ao (suposto) caráter universal e inequívoco em


Dossiê "Neoliberalism, universities, and Anthropology around the world"

Neoliberalism, universities, and anthropology around the world: introduction

Virginia R. Dominguez, Mariano D. Perelman

The idea for this dossier began with a conversation over one of those long breakfasts given at conferences. It was 2014 and the blows of the 2008 economic crisis were still being felt strongly. There was growing concern in the academic field over



“Useless degrees”, quality assurance, and employable graduates: neoliberal effects on University Education in Kenya

Mwenda Ntarangwi

At a time when it is critical to understand humanity and its various forms of socioeconomic and political life, anthropology and other social sciences are being threatened by a neoliberal emphasis on “relevant” courses in universities in Kenya.


Dossiê "Neoliberalism, universities, and Anthropology around the world"

Anthropology from different angles: a tale of the neoliberal arts

Bonnie Urciuoli

A discipline’s value depends on the institutional position of its valuers. In U.S. liberal arts undergraduate education, trustees, marketers, and parents routinely link disciplinary value to “return on investment”. This market logic is evident


Dossiê "Neoliberalism, universities, and Anthropology around the world"

Knowledge politics and labor precariousness in Spanish universities: implications for social anthropology

Alicia Reigada

Neoliberal reforms arising from Spain’s entrance into the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) have had major consequences for academic practice and unleashed heated debate in the university community and society. This article explores the main


Dossiê "Neoliberalism, universities, and Anthropology around the world"

The deterioration of anthropological work in Mexico during the 21st century

Luis Reygadas

This article analyzes how the working conditions for Mexican anthropologists have deteriorated throughout the last few decades. Until half a century ago, only a few dozen professional anthropologists practiced in Mexico, and most of them had access


Dossiê "Neoliberalism, universities, and Anthropology around the world"

Hong Kong anthropologists within global neoliberalism and national and local politics

Gordon Mathews

There are global neoliberal pressures on the academy that are more or less faced by anthropologists around the world. To what extent are anthropologists required to publish in English in SSCI-ranked journals to keep their jobs and get promoted? But



Ramon Sarró, Inventing an Alphabet: Writing, Art, and Kongo Culture in the DRC

João Pina-Cabral

This is a truly innovative ethnography about writing; a worthy anthropological response to Derrida’s deconstruction of the notion. It centers on the encounter between two marginal creators: a brilliant geometrician from Africa, and a seasoned



Fazer antropologia na boca do urso

Diogo Henrique Novo Rocha

Fazer antropologia na boca do urso, sem descrições densas ou contextos teóricos, apenas numa dialética simples entre tensões do mundo ocidental “capitalista” e as cosmologias animistas do Norte. Uma pretensão que leva a antropóloga



25 de Abril, Sempre!

Humberto Martins

A Etnográfica celebra os 50 anos do 25 de Abril de 1974. Não podia deixar de ser. Abril abriu, em Portugal e no Mundo, muitas portas para as Ciências Sociais. Áreas de saber vistas como perigosas e ameaçadoras do statu quo de regimes opressores



A antropologia e o 25 de Abril: introdução

Sónia Vespeira de Almeida, João Leal e Emília Margarida Marques

Este número da Etnográfica, comemorativo dos 50 anos do 25 de Abril, procura associar a comunidade dos antropólogos – professores, investigadores, profissionais da antropologia, antigos estudantes ou atuais estudantes – à evocação das


Etnografias da revolução em revista

Ricos e Pobres no Alentejo: posfácio à edição portuguesa

José Cutileiro

Quando na Primavera de 1970 acabei de escrever A Portuguese Rural Society, estava convencido de que a fase de história económica e social do Alentejo iniciada no segundo quartel do século XIX teria ainda longos anos à sua frente e que as


Etnografias da revolução em revista

Agrarian Reform in Southern Portugal

Sandra McAdam Clark e Brian Juan O’Neill

This paper1 has two main purposes: (a) to present some preliminary results from S. McAdam Clark’s recent research on the agrarian reform and related developments in Southern Portugal, and (b) to set forth a critique of José Cutileiro’s specific


Etnografias da revolução em revista

Emigration and its implications for the revolution in Northern Portugal

Caroline B. Brettell

In October of 1973, the newly organized International Conference Group on Modern Portugal, spearheaded by Douglas Wheeler (historian), Joyce Riegelhaupt (anthropologist) and others, held its first meeting on the campus of the University of New


Imagens do país em 1974-1976: ensaio de antropologia visual

Um outro Portugal de abril: os estudiosos não revolucionários do povo

Clara Saraiva

A “equipa maravilha” da antropologia portuguesa do século XX formou-se em torno da figura de António Jorge Dias, que completou na Universidade de Munique, em 1944, um doutoramento em Etnologia, com a tese Vilarinho da Furna, Um Povo


Antropologia e revolução: do ISCSPU ao ISCSP (1974-1976)

Introdução a Antropologia e revolução: do ISCSPU ao ISCSP

João Leal

No dia 27 de abril de 1974 – dois dias depois do 25 de Abril – caiu o “U” de ISCSPU (Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Política Ultramarina), renomeado no mesmo dia ISCSP (Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas).


Antropologia e revolução: do ISCSPU ao ISCSP (1974-1976)

Recordações do 25 de Abril de 1974 no ISCSP

Filipe Ramires

O clima repressivo que perpassava pela Academia de Lisboa nos anos anteriores ao 25 de Abril de 1974 também se fazia sentir no então ISCSPU. O controlo político-repressivo efectuado pela direcção da escola, nomeadamente através de certos


Antropologia e revolução: do ISCSPU ao ISCSP (1974-1976)

Tempos de extremos

Luís Souta

Entrei na universidade em 1970, depois de ter realizado, em finais de Outubro, o “exame de admissão”, escrito e oral – Língua e Literatura Portuguesa e Geografia Geral, segundo as “matérias estabelecidas no programa oficial do 7.º ano


Antropologia e revolução: do ISCSPU ao ISCSP (1974-1976)

Memórias do ISCSP(U) antes e depois do 25 de Abril de 1974

Dulcinea Gil

Terminado o liceu (ensino secundário) da alínea B, no Liceu Nacional de Faro, fui para Lisboa, a fim de frequentar o curso de Filologia Germânica da Faculdade Letras da Universidade de Lisboa.1 Fiquei desiludida com o curso quando percebi que, ao


Antropologia e revolução: do ISCSPU ao ISCSP (1974-1976)

25 de Abril de 1974: meio século depois – levitando

Maria da Luz Alexandrino

Em Lisboa sentia-se electricidade no ar – estava tudo de nervos em franja. Informações sussurradas nos cafés e nas esquinas sobre movimentos de militares, especialmente de capitães democráticos; sobre a tentativa de golpe de Março nas Caldas


Antropologia e revolução: do ISCSPU ao ISCSP (1974-1976)

A Universidade e o 25 de Abril: o ISCSP e a Antropologia

José Fialho Feliciano

Em 25 de Abril de 1974 estudava em várias universidades de Paris, modeladas, de formas diferentes, pelos ventos de mudança de Maio de 1968. Em Jussieu (Paris VII – Faculté des Sciences) fizera o bacharelato (DEUG) em Ciências da Sociedade,


Antropologia e revolução: do ISCSPU ao ISCSP (1974-1976)


José Cardim

Foi em 1960 que, estando eu em Angola e interno numa escola no Sul do país, sucedeu no Norte a primeira “insurreição moderna” nas colónias portuguesas. Tinha antes vivido e estudado em Lisboa, em Luanda, Lourenço Marques e… no


Antropologia e revolução: do ISCSPU ao ISCSP (1974-1976)

Comentário final – o 25 de Abril e a queda do U: apontamentos sobre memória e revoluções

José Neves

Para aquele lisboeta que descobriu que já não tinha creme de barbear em casa, o dia 25 de abril de 1974 começou mal. Ainda assim, o homem saiu à rua e foi aí e então que se inteirou do que estaria a acontecer na cidade: uma revolução. Os


Etnografias da revolução, hoje

Etnografia retrospectiva 2.0: o gesto artístico na revolução

Sónia Vespeira de Almeida

This article interrogates artistic practices during the revolution in the context of the MFA’s Cultural Dynamisation and Civic Action Campaigns (1974-1975). It begins by revisiting a corpus of ethnographic data collected as part of a research


Etnografias da revolução em revista

Portuguese retornados: memory, citizenship, and (post)imperial identity

Elsa Peralta e Bruno Góis

With the end of the colonial empire, following the Revolution of April 25th, 1974, the borders and identity of the Portuguese nation were redefined. In this context, around half a million citizens from the former colonies were repatriated to


Etnografias da revolução, hoje

Recusar o império da ignorância: compassos das revoluções em Angola e Portugal na obra tardia de Ruy Duarte de Carvalho (1941-2010)

Inês Ponte

Ao lidar com as convulsões políticas do passado de Angola, a obra literária mais tardia do antropólogo Ruy Duarte de Carvalho (1941-2010), angolano de origem portuguesa, proporciona refletir sobre a revolução dos cravos em Portugal. Não é


Etnografias da revolução, hoje

The revolution in the countryside: revisiting a socioenvironmental conflict in post-25th April in a Bera Baixa hamlet

Pedro Gabriel Silva

Following the April 25th 1974 revolution, a village in the municipality of Belmonte (Portugal) became the scene of a six-year conflict between a group of small-holder landowners joined by part of the community and a mining company. This article,


Etnografias da revolução, hoje

April 25th × 50 years of writing in the city

Cristina Pratas Cruzeiro, Ricardo Campos e Cláudia Madeira

In this article, we aim to revisit one of the privileged places for citizens’ expression – the street and urban public space – based on the legacy of graffiti and murals created during the Portuguese revolutionary period of April 25th, 1974.


O que gostarias de ter estudado em 1974?

Portugal 2024, imaginado desde o 25 de Abril

Nuno Domingos

O presente é uma condição inevitável da produção de uma investigação que responda ao desafio da Etnográfica: escrever um ensaio acerca do que gostaria de pesquisar se tivesse tido a oportunidade de acompanhar in loco a revolução de 25 de


O que gostarias de ter estudado em 1974?

Processos revolucionários em discurso: descentralizando e desconstruindo os impactos do 25 de Abril em Angola

Ruy Llera Blanes

É já um lugar-comum afirmar o papel fulcral que o 25 de Abril de 1974 teve no processo de descolonização das colónias portuguesas em África, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à incorporação da descolonização como desígnio do programa do


O que gostarias de ter estudado em 1974?

Projetos contestados de reprodução social durante o processo revolucionário: necessidades humanas e horizontes de valor

Patrícia Alves de Matos

Se pudesse escolher uma temática de investigação sobre o período revolucionário português, qual seria? Foi este o desafio que os editores me colocaram. Inicialmente pensei em velhas ideias que tinha tido quando terminei a minha licenciatura em


O que gostarias de ter estudado em 1974?

Revolução, turismo e antropologia

Marta Prista

Avril au Portugal. Pela mão do Comissariado de Turismo, o Estado Novo promoveu a viagem a Portugal recebendo os estrangeiros no dia do turista com flores, souvenirs e sorrisos de jovens trajadas à imagem do país que se queria.2 Em 1974, uns dias


O que gostarias de ter estudado em 1974?

Nota sobre a capa

Constança Arouca

A caminho da exposição do Mário Cesariny, no MAAT, e já com a capa da celebração dos 50 anos do 25 de Abril em mente, pela primeira vez estive a observar com atenção a intervenção dos 48 artistas, na reinterpretação de 2022 do mural do


Interview with Rosa Maria Perez

Rosa Maria Perez, Inês Lourenço


Interview with Rosa Maria Perez, anthropologist, integrated researcher at CRIA-Iscte, retired Professor in the Anthropology department at Iscte and Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India.Starting with the

The provincialization of orthodox economic projects: porosities, relations and moralities

Patrícia Alves de Matos


The severe human and social effects of the 2008 financial crisis, subsequently intensified by austerity policies on both sides of the Atlantic, have led to a renewed interest, in anthropology as in other social sciences, in the logics of capitalist

Land and wasteland

Diego Amoedo


50 years on, what has happened to the land? In addition to the profound political and social changes that the 25th of April brought to Portugal, there were also important changes in the social

Building Afro-indigenous affective networks: women, education, and activism in Latin America

Katherine Chalá [1], Daniela Balanzátegui [2], Valentina Romero [3], Catarina Nimbopyruá Delfina dos Santos [4], María Celeste Sánchez Sugía [5], Watatakalu Yawalapiti [6], Maria John [7], Marianne Sallum [8]


Social movements and grassroots organizations led by indigenous and afro-descendant women in Latin America play a central role in defending human and civil rights, highlighting territorial and environmental rights,

The yellow brick road I walk as an ethnographer

Noelia García Rodríguez


In this text I compare my anthropological fieldwork experience to a journey of transformation and growth, like Dorothy Gale's journey down the yellow brick road in the land of Oz. I find ethnography a fascinating

25 April, always!


Etnográfica celebrates the 50th anniversary of 25 April 1974. We wanted to associate an artistic (musical) proposal with this outstanding edition,  an Agora's exclusive content:

Interview with José Sobral

José Sobral, Patrícia Alves de Matos


Interview with José Manuel Sobral, anthropologist and retired researcher at the Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade

Observing land transformation in Portugal

Fabienne Wateau


50 years on, what has happened to the land? In addition to the profound political and social changes that the 25th of April brought to Portugal, there were also important changes in the social and

In the City of Shadows: moving in the face of violence in Veracruz

Juan Antonio Flores Martos


Ethnographing the impact of violence on the lives of the people of Veracruz (Mexico) stimulates a transformation of the ways of working and being in the countryside. The ethnographer experiences the need to adapt to

Indigenous archaeologies, territories, and human rights: dialogues among representatives of the Tupi Guarani, Tuxá, and Eastern Pequot

Yacunã Tuxá [1], Natasha Gambrell [2], Luã Apyká [3], Blaire Morseau [4], Stephen W. Silliman [5], Daniela Balanzátegui [6], Marianne Sallum [7]


In recent decades, a global solidarity movement among various Indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants, and traditional communities has grown, united to defend and preserve their territories and linguistic diversity.

It's because I miss you that I'm skinny: male (re)encounters in the Bolivian Chaco

Pere Morell i Torra


This text focuses on my last encounter with one of my main interlocutors in the field, when a change in the subject of my research also changed our relationship [1]. Through fragments of conversations, field diary

The War Against Gaza: Genocide, Geopolitics and Anthropology

Paulo Gabriel Hilu da Rocha Pinto


The number of dead and wounded, as well as the destruction of civilian infrastructure in Israel's military offensive against Gaza, reached staggering proportions in just a few weeks. The scale of the conflict and

Missing girls: the sexual exploitation of children in the form of self-managed internal trafficking

M. Belén Ortega-Senet


The sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) is one of the most invisible forms of sexual violence, loaded with myths, stereotypes, prejudices and greatly simplified in its understanding as a phenomenon. Of all its

Anthropology in Arabic: beyond the discursive monopoly

Abdellah Hammoudi

Tradução de Ilham Houass e Diane Abd-El-Karim

Revisto por Francisco Freire e Abdallah Hammoudi


The text by Moroccan anthropologist Abdellah Hammoudi, which we find here today in Portuguese, was originally published in Arabic in 2018 as an introduction to the book

The corner of the "calabaceira": encounters, affections and ethnography in the "Vale"

Simone Frangella

Max Ruben Ramos


In this text, Simone Frangella and Max Ruben Ramos talk about their fieldwork experience in Vale da Amoreira, in the municipality of Moita, in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. The story invites us to think about how a

Wandering through the past with an eviscerated present: looking at Gaza through the archives

Raquel Gil Carvalheira


In this February of a live broadcast genocide, the proposal is "Wandering through the past with an eviscerated present: looking at Gaza through the archives". This in the month in which Etnográfica inaugurates its Found in Translation section with

Interview with Caroline Brettell

Caroline Brettell

Marta Rosales

Sónia Ferreira


Interview with Caroline Brettell, held at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon, on 30 June 2023. The interview focused on the author's field experience with Portuguese emigration in France and rural populations in Portugal in
Ex-votos around the monument to Dr Sousa Martins

(Re)encontrar Sousa Martins

Vincenzo Scamardella


This tale is an ethnofiction about a contemporary and individual research for supernatural help that has its roots in the childhood memories of the protagonist. In this story, the fictional character of Miguel who is inspired by encounters that I

A decade and many events later: what can we (re)read about possible minority liberalisms?

Paulo Victor Leite Lopes


In this first edition of “A book and his critics”, we discuss Moisés Lino e Silva’s (Federal University of Bahia) recent book "Minoritarian Liberalism. A Travesti Life in a Brazilian Favela (2022)", which, based on ethnographic fieldwork in

“Over there”: on the relative legibility of the cityscape

Thaddeus Gregory Blanchette


Starting from a brief, casual quasi-ethnographic experience, Thaddeus Blanchette shows us the city as a space of "relative legibility", entangled in multiple perceptions, conceptions and experiences (cf. Lefebvre;

The value of confession and the exercise of justice

Catarina Frois


In this note, I discuss the intricacies of the different truths that arise from the empirical material constituted by crime authors' narratives in situations of deprivation of liberty and their analyses of the

Seeing like a routier: routiers’ borderscapes between Southern Europe and West Africa

Pedro Figueiredo Neto and Ricardo Falcão


Routier is the self-designation employed by Senegalese men driving decades-old vehicles overloaded with mostly second-hand items from Southern Europe to be sold in West Africa. By seeing like a

Relational ethics and care for the world

Jarrett Zigon


In the inaugural contribution to this section, Jarrett Zigon challenges the anthropology limits of relativizing and localizing. Based on the phenomenological-hermeneutic tradition, he proposes an anthropology of

We are all curmanos

Ramón Sarró


Starting from an analysis of the novel "El bosque de Ancines" by Galician writer Carlos Martínez-Barbeito, and his fascination with woods and wolves and other archetypes, the author examines the concept of the "curmano". What is a curmano? Are we

Nombres de lugar: el espíritu

Ramón Sarró


The name transforms the space into a singular place and, in particular, the religious name defines and constructs the identity of the place in a profound way. In this essay, the author combines landscape, language and religion to reflect on the

Interview with João Leal

João Leal

Luís Cunha

Humberto Martins


This interview features João Leal, the first director of Etnográfica. It was conducted by Luís Cunha and Humberto Martins in the Library of the National Museum of Ethnology in

Etnographing the underground: notes and inspirations from the text by Francisco Martínez

Mariana Tello Weiss


The text is highly inspiring from both a theoretical and methodological point of view. It proposes an ethnography of the basements in Sillamäe, a small village in eastern Estonia. A village that, because of its

What Else Can We Do with/in Holes?

Tamta Khalvashi


“Where is a bunker?” This question started to haunt many of us in Georgian cities, when Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. Quest for bunkers, basements and shelters, for spaces of both opacity and

From basement to de-basement? A probing response to opacity

Hermione Spriggs


“The opaque is not the obscure” (Glissant 1997:191). So begins Fran Martinez’ text on basements, which he approaches as spaces of opacity that can nonetheless be entered ethnographically. The

Identity(ies) and negotiation: the dance of dressing and undressing, undressing and dressing (or not).

Raquel Mendes Pereira


In an attempt to distance myself from the tourists' naked bodies, I decided to order some dresses from Arna, the village seamstress. Even so, throughout the research, my body and the way it was covered or uncovered

Where the Story Begins Anew

Patrick Laviolette


Francisco Martínez starts his essay with a quotation by Édouard Glissant. He might just as easily have chosen something from Gaston Bachelard’s Poetics of Space (1958) or Dick

Gender, sexuality and ourselves

Miguel Vale de Almeida


In Portugal, the social sciences and humanities have been very resistant to the development of gender and sexuality studies. While the country's peripheral status and the advent of democracy only in 1974 may explain this phenomenon, the same delay,

Freedom to desire

Victor Hugo de Souza Barreto


In this first edition of “A book and his critics”, we discuss Moisés Lino e Silva’s (Federal University of Bahia) recent book "Minoritarian Liberalism. A Travesti Life in a Brazilian Favela (2022)", which, based on ethnographic fieldwork in

Lights Out. Practicing Opacity in Estonian Basements

Francisco Martínez


This essay engages with alternative regimes of visibility by investigating the things that are kept, and the practices that take place in basements of eastern Estonia. The use of hiding infrastructures is here

Confusing maps: notes on new energy territorialities in Portugal and Europe

Ruy Llera Blanes

Luís Silva

Francisco Freire

Antonio Maria Pusceddu

Antónia Lima

Paulo Mendes


In the current context of post-pandemics, climate crisis and armed conflict in Ukraine, the issue of energy, its production, access and consumption have gained prominence in the global geopolitical landscape. In